Our Vision and Values
At Future-Built our fundamental purpose as a responsible contractor is to work with our customers and communities to create the safe and sustainable housing of the future.

What we do
Our highly efficient and precision-manufactured Light Gauge Steel solution will not rot, twist or bend and allows automotive industry precision to be introduced into the building process.
Off-Site Manufacture
By producing fully-insulated panels off-site we are able to build real durability, energy efficiency and style into every home, building faster and more efficiently than conventional construction.
Our modular system gives great flexibility and allows us to tailor designs to your specification. Whether that be housing, apartments schemes or hotels, we’re fully certified to ten storeys in height.
We offer a turnkey solution to clients which allows fast and efficient turnaround, simplified coordination and communication, reduced costs and an overall streamlined experience.
Track record
We have over 10 years of experience and have built hundreds of NHBC-approved tenure-blind homes of real quality with a life span as long as any conventional home. We also build offices, student accommodation, hotels and other bespoke structures.
“If the Government is to have any chance of meeting its target of 300,000 new homes a year it cannot simply rely on traditional methods of construction. They must make a serious effort to support the use of new and emerging technologies that have the potential to have a transformative impact on the speed, cost and quality of home building. This is not simply about shifting production away from the building site and into factories. It is about seizing opportunities that modern technologies allow, whether it be precision manufacturing, use of new materials or digital working.”